All about Malice's Weapons!
Big Red

This 60lb spinning mass delivers huge hits! It spins at 180mph tip speed and was designed by our very own weapons specialist, David Rush! This was the weapon that started it all. The David’s loved the smaller version of this weapon, on 3lb Animus, and 1lb robot Odium. They knew they needed to take it to the big time, and thus, Malice was born. It is 22″ from the tip of the 4140 hardened steel tooth, to the back end, where you’ll find 3 brass inserts held in only by force. We use a hydraulic press to insert the brass balancing metal and it doesn’t come out!
This weapon is 3″ tall, and we lovingly refer to it as a drumette, as no one else has a horizontal disk as thick as this one!

This will be the weapon you see most on Malice during fights. The aluminum hub is surrounded by 4 ar-500 teeth that will make deep gouges in even the most battlehardened competition. These nasty teeth are inset into the aluminum hub for maximum strength, and this is also our shortest weapon coming in at only 2″ tall. This weapon was made with some very valuable input from the king himself, Ray Billings of Tombstone.
Rolling Blackout

This heavy-hitting dual tooth monster is made up of an aluminum hub, ar-500 teeth bracing and either hardened 4140 teeth or S7 steel teeth. This looks very similar to our Drumstick weapon, but the single tooth is a great impactor that tosses the opponent rather than digging into their armor. We would use this weapon when we need weight to add forks, but want to toss our opponent still!
Retired Weapons
Purple Pain

This Weapon was created to save as much weight as possible for when we have to fight large overhead strikes where we need extra weight to add a belt protector, or extra top armor, against robots like Shatter or Sawblaze. Weighting in at only 45lbs, this weapon had an unexpected upside, were we were able to grab Shatter’s weapon and rip it off due to the large holes leaving lots of room. Two plates of AR-500 steel compress aluminum spacers and give us a tip speed of 190 mph. 22″ of pure speed! We love this weapon! Since it was retired, it was sold to the amazing Jacob Fultz!